起订:1 | 供货总量:975 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:上海 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
此款仪器为亚测(上海)仪器科技有限公司无损检测事业部UT二级人员经常多次实验测试,现场勘查,精心为您推荐的一款洛式硬度计,此款设备器精度高、易操作等特点。为客户提供了的检测方法和监控手段。HD9-45型电动表面洛氏维氏硬度计是轻载荷洛维二用表面硬度试验机,该机具备了六种试验力,能满足表面洛氏、维氏硬度的测试。试验力的施加、保荷和卸荷自动完成。使用方便,该机测试灵敏度高。并可按用户特殊要求,可改装铝制品兼用测试布氏硬度。适用范围钢、表面淬火钢、铜、铝合金、薄板、带钢、硬质合金钢、镀锌、镀铬、镀锡、材料表面热处理和化学表面处理的各种金属材料。HD9-45B Motorized Superficial Rockwell & Vickers Hardness Tester with 6 steps testing force is able to meet the needs of superficial Rockwell & Vickers hardness tests. Testing force can be loaded kept and unloaded automatically. Therefore the tester is easy to use and widely welcomed by many users. (The present instrument can be reformed specially to measure Brinell hardness value for aluminum products according to user&s special requirement.)Usage Range:Steel surface hardened steel copper aluminum alloy thin sheet hard alloy steel zinc layers chrome layers tin layers surface heat treating and chemical treating materials etc.技术数据(Technical Specifications)
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