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HR-150A型 手动洛氏硬度计HR-150A type manual Rockwell hardness产品简介/ Product introduction:HR-150A型手动洛氏硬度计外形美观操作方便是一种普及型的洛氏硬度试验机.机械手动测试无电器装置可进行黑色金属和有色金属的洛氏硬度测定施加试验力的速度由缓冲器来调节,试验力的变换采用变荷手轮的旋转而获得,因而具有操作简便,性能稳定,使用广泛等特点。广泛适用于工厂车间和计量部门.各项技术指标均符合:GB/T230-2002洛氏硬度计技术条件,参照ISO6508-2:1999*。Beautiful appearance HC010-HR-150A manual Rockwell hardness tester is easy to operate is a popular type Rockwell hardness testing machine. The mechanical and manual testing no electronic device capable of black metal and non-ferrous metal Rockwell hardness test loading speed adjusted by buffer test force transformation using variable charge handwheel the rotation was therefore has the advantages of simple operation stable performance widely used characteristics. Widely used in factory workshop and Metrology Department.All the technical indexes meet the technical conditions: GB/T230-2002 Rockwell hardness tester according to ISO6508-2:1999 international standard.适用范围/ Scope of application:洛氏硬度计适用于黑色金属、有色金属和非金属材料的硬度测定。适用范围:淬火、表面淬火钢调质、退火钢冷硬铸件可锻铸件硬质合金钢铝合金轴承钢硬化薄钢板等。Rockwell hardness meter is suitable for measuring the hardness of ferrous metal nonferrous metal and nonmetal materials.Scope of application: Hardened and surface hardened steel quenching and tempering annealing of steel chilled casting malleable cast iron hard alloy steel aluminum alloy bearing steel hardened steel sheet etc..工作环境/ Work environment:1、在室温10~35℃的范围内;2、在稳固的基础上水平安装;3、在无震动的环境中;4、周围无腐蚀性介质;5、室内相对湿度不大于65%;1 in the range of room temperature 10~35℃;2 in a stable foundation for horizontal installation;3 in the absence of vibration environment;4Non corrosive medium around;5 the indoor relative humidity of not more than 65%;工作原理/ Working principle:洛氏硬度的试验原理:用金刚石圆锥体压头或一定直径的钢球压头,在初试验力F0和主试验力F1先后作用下,压入试样表面,保持一定时间,卸除主试验力,保留初试验力,此时的压入深度为h1,在初试验力作用下的压入深度为h0,它们之差e(h1—h0)来表示压痕深度的增量。每压入0.002mm为一个洛氏硬度单位。(图1)洛氏硬度的计算公式:HRA、C=100—(e/0.002)HRB=130—(e/0.002)The test principle of Rockwell hardness: Ball indenter or certain diameter diamond cone pressure head in the initial test force F0 and the main test force under the action of F1 successively pressed into the surface of the sample keep a certain time removable main test force retain the initial test force indentation depth of the H1 in the initial check depth of press force is H0 and the difference between them (e H1 H0) to represent the permanent incremental indentation depth. Each press 0.002mm as a Rockwell hardness unit. (Figure 1)The calculation formula of Rockwell hardness:HRA C=100 (e/0.002)HRB=130 (e/0.002)技术指标/Technical Index:1.洛氏标尺:HRA HRB HRC HRD HRE HRFHRGHRHHRK2.初试验力(N):98.07(10kg)3.总试验力(N):588(60kg),980(100kg),1471(150kg)4.硬度值读数方式:表盘5.试件允许高度:170mm6.压头中心到机身距离:165mm7.洛氏硬度计外形尺寸(mm):520×240×7008.洛氏硬度计重量(kg):709.执行标准:GB/T230.2标准、JJG112检定规程10.硬度值范围HRA:20~88HRB:20~100HRC:20~701 Rockwell scales: HRA HRB HRC HRD HRE HRF HRG HRH HRK2 initial test force (N): 98.07 (10kg)3 of the total test force (N): 588 (60kg) 980 (100kg) 1471 (150kg)4 Reading: Dial hardness value5 specimen allow maximum height: 170mm6 the center of pressure head to body distance: 165mm7 Size Rockwell hardness (mm): 520 x 240 x 7008 The weight ofRockwell hardness (kg): 709 standards: GB/T230.2 verification regulation of national standard JJG11210 hardness valueHRA:20 ~ 88HRB:20 ~ 100HRC:20 ~ 70仪器精度指标/ Instrument accuracy specifications:1、硬度计示值允许误差(表1)硬度标尺标准块的硬度范围示值允许误差允许示值重复性HRA(20~75)HRA±2HRA0.8洛氏单位(>75~88)HRA±1.5HRAHRB(20~45)HRB±4HRB1.2洛氏单位(>45~80)HRB±3HRB(>80~100)HRB±2HRBHRC(20~70)HRC±1.5HRC0.8洛氏单位HRD(40~70)HRD±2HRD0.8洛氏单位(>70~77)HRD±1.5HRDHRE(70~90)HRE±2.5HRE1.2洛氏单位(>90~100)HRE±2HREHRF(60~90)HRF±3HRF1.2洛氏单位(>90~100)HRF±2HRFHRG(30~50)HRG±6HRG1.2洛氏单位(>50~75)HRG±4.5HRG(>75~94)HRG±3HRGHRH(80~100)HRH±2HRH1.2洛氏单位HRK(40~60)HRK±4HRK1.2洛氏单位(>60~80)HRK±3HRK(>80~100)HRK±2HRK
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