起订:1 | 供货总量:645 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:广东 深圳市 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
6063B电子负载的详细介绍:Agilent/HP/6063BAgilent/HP/6063B/250 Watt DC Electronic Load欲购买或租赁Agilent/HP/6063B/250 Watt DC Electronic Load?请在线咨询或拔打24小时电话:137153271876063B电子负载主要技术指标Output RatingsAmperes: 0 to 10 AVolts: 3 to 240 VMaximum power: (at 40° C) 250 WConstant Current ModeRanges: 0 to 1 A 0 to 10 AAccuracy: 0.15% +/-10 mARegulation: 8 mAConstant Voltage ModeAccuracy: 0.12% +/-120 mVRegulation (w/remote sense): 10 mVConstant Resistance Mode 0.20 toRanges: 24 to 10000 ? / 240 to 50000 ?Accuracy: 24 ?: 0.8% +/-200 m? (with ?1 A at input) / 10 K?/: 0.3% +/-0.3 mS (with ?24 V at input) / 50 K?: 0.3% +/-0.3 mS (with ?24 V at input)
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