
爆!回收CMD55 CMD 55二手综合测试仪长期现金*上门收购请电询:余S郭...

深圳市力博尔电子科技有限公司联系人:余S 郭经理电话:0755-81718029手机:13713919615Q Q:1980989106电子邮箱:LBR136@163.com网址:http://www.home-nabob.comhttp://l

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    2018-12-03 12:16

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爆!回收CMD55 CMD 55二手综合测试仪长期现金*上门收购请电询:余S郭...
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爆!回收CMD55 CMD 55二手综合

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起订:1 供货总量:114
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 所在地:广东 深圳市
有效期至:长期有效 品牌:


深圳市力博尔电子科技有限公司联系人:余S 郭经理电话:0755-81718029手机:13713919615Q Q:1980989106电子邮箱:LBR136@163.com网址:http://www.home-nabob.comhttp://lbr136.cn.alibaba.comhttp://lbr1369.b2b.hc360.com地址:深圳市罗湖区蔡屋围京基金融中心蔡屋围金龙大厦1618CMD55产品特点:·是测量GSM及GSM1800移动电话的紧缩式单元·通过RS232,IEC/IEEE远控·前面板有多功能连接器·话音编码器/解码器可被集成·可选择安培表和伏特表·高敏感度二级RF输入·可改进为GSM、GSM1800及GSM1900测试CharacteristicsTheCMD52 is a compact unit for testing GSM900 mobiles. The CMD55 isfurthermore capable of testing GSM1800 (formerly named PCN orDCS1800)and GSM1900 (formerly named PCS or DCS1900) mobile phones. Both modelsare favourably priced and combine small dimensions with highmeasurement accuracy and speed.The testers range of capabilitiesincludes all signalling generator and measurement functions requiredfor verifying the correct operation of the DUT (Device Under Test).Thanks to its fast go/nogo tests and accurate analysis using optionalextensions CMD52 and CMD55 are equally well suited for R&D productionand high-end service and production.based on the wide-range know-howof Rohde & Schwarz in digital radiocommunication testing which notleast was obtained in developing type-approval test systems such asthe GSM900 and GSM1800 system simulators both CMD models are top-grade testers for present and future measurement applications.TestcapabilitiesTo test mobile phones the CMD simulates a GSM900 1800or 1900 base station. One of the two RF synthesizers available forthis purpose delivers a continuous BCCH signal while the other oneprovides all 8 timeslots for TCH signals.The major test functions are:Mobile synchronizationLocation updateIncoming call setupOutgoingcall setupMobile power level controlHandover (channel change timeslotchange)Peak power measurementHigh dynamic range burst analyzer(option CMD-B4 and CMD-B42)Spectrum due to Switching measurement(option CMD-B4 and CMD–B43)Spectrum due to Modulation measurement(option CMD-B4 and CMD–B43Timing Advance measurementSACCH measurement(eg RxLev RxQual power level)Echo testCall clearing by mobilephoneCall clearing by CMDDC current/voltage measurementsPhase andfrequency error measurement (option CMD-B4)Measurement of powerramping as a function of time (option CMD-B4)Bit-error rate (BER)and Fast BER measurement (option CMD-B4)OperationOperation of theCMDis extremely user-friendly and requires no detailed GSM/PCN knowledge.The high-contrast backlit LCD provided with softkeys on both sidesallows convenient callup of test routines under menu control. Variousnetwork-specific parameters are preset and permit direct testingwithout any operator control. In addition it is of course possibleto modify all parameters individually in the configuration menus.AutotestTheautotest function enables complete measurement routines to be startedat a keystroke without any further intervention by the operatorbeing required. The test results in tabular form are displayed onthe screen.Remote controlThe CMD is remote-controlled via the RS-232or IEEE/IEC-bus interface using SCPI-compatible commands. In theremote-control mode the CMD is designed for fast speed to yield highthroughputs in production.Echo testThe echo test allows very rapidgo/nogo analysis covering all essential parts of the mobile. Wordsspoken into the microphone of the mobile are sent to the CMD storedin buffer memory and sent back to the phone. In this way it is possibleto check the whole signal path from the microphone via the RF transmittersection RF receiver section modulator demodulator signallingsection speech coder/decoder analog audio components through tothe loudspeaker.Testing handheldsIn addition to the normal RF input/output the CMD has a high-sensitivity input and a high-level outputwhich enable tests on modules or on handhelds with built-in antennaby using couplers like the CMD-Z10.Module testingFault localizationin mobile telephones requires various measurement functions that canalso be used without signalling so that defective units can be testeddown to modular level. The basic model of CMD already provides someof these functions eg signal generation with or without modulationor power measurements other functions being available as optionalextensions.注:!!!长期现金*大量收购*上门回收以下工厂*个人二手仪器及仪器附件.*欢迎来电咨询:郭R 0755-81718029 13713919615(1)手机综合测试仪2945A 2965 5517B 5517C 8960 Agilent 8920B CMD55 CMD60 CMD 57 CMD80 CDMA CMS52 CMU200 CT-8681 CTS60 CTS65 E5515B(Agilent 8960) E5515C HP8902A HP8924C HP 8920A MARCONI2955B MS 555B MT8801A MT8801B MT8801C MT8852B MT 8820A IFR 2948B HP8921A HP8922M HP8923B HP8924E 2955A(2)蓝牙及WIFI测试仪MT8852A (MT8852B带EDR) N4010A IQFlex蓝牙测试仪IQFlex Litepoint WIFI WLAN测试仪 WIFI测试仪(3)GPS信号源GPS信号源GSS4100 GPS信号源GSS6100(4)网络分析仪HP8752A HP8714ET Agilent (N5230C 带原装校准件一套选件010 245)HP8719D HP8714C Agilent E5070B AgilentHP3577A HP8719A R3765CG HP87510A HP8712C HP8714ET HP8711C Agilent 37200C 37200C MS4630B E5071A AgilentE5071C Agilent N3383A E5062A R3765BH HP 8714ET HP8703A R3764CH R3765CH Advantest R3767CG Advantest R3767CG Agilent 8720ES HP8720ES Agilent 8720Estxt HP8922D R3765BG Advantest R3765C E5071B Agilent8714ES HP8719ES R3767CG AdvantestR3767CG AdvantestR3767CG HP8510B HP8720D HP8720C HP8753ET 54147A HP8711A HP8753ES TR4623 Agilent 8757E HP8753D HP8752C Agilent8711B AgilentHP8722D Agilent 8713B Agilent E8357A HP8712ET R3763B R3762BH R3767A HP8753C HP8757D R3764 HP8753E(5)频谱分析仪AgilentHPE4401B Agilent E4402B AgilentE4404B Agilent E4405B Agilent E4407B Agilent E4411A Agilent E4440A Agilent E4445A PSA HP3588A HP 8563EC HP8565E HP8591C HP8596E HP8590D HP8593EM HP8595E Agilent E4411B MS2663C SA970 TEK2712B R3132A R3361A R3361C R3465A 8G R4131D R3261C HM5010 HM5011 MSA338 Agilent E4408B Agilent E4403B Agilent E4443A FSEK30 HM5012 HM5014 HM5510 HM5511 HP3589A HP8560A HP8560E HP8560EC HP8561B HP8561E HP8562A HP8562E HP8563A HP8563E HP8564E Agilent8564EC Agilent8565EC HP8590A HP8590E HP8591A Hp8591E HP8593E HP8594E HP8594Q IFR2399 LG SA-930 MD1620C MS2661A MS2665C MS2667C MS2711A MS2721B MS8604A PSA-3000 SA7270A SA7270 R3131 R3162 R3265 R3267 R3465A HP8565A(6)信号源Agilent 3499A Agilent 33220A Agilent 33250A Agilent 83732B Agilent 89441A Agilent D3000A Agilent E4400B Agilent E4406A Agilent E4438C ESG AgilentE4422B AgilentE4433B AgilentE4437B Chroma7120 Fluke6060B Fluke 54200MO1 GV698 GV798 HP4433B HP8340B HP8350B HP8644A HP8647A HP8648A HP8647A HP8656B HP8672A HP8904A HP33120A HP35670A HP83752B IFR2025 IFR2026Q Marconi2025 MARCONI 2024 MG3601A MG3670B MG3681A MIK K-8253S MSG-2200 PM5518 PM54200 JSG-1610A SMIQ03E SML01 SML02 SML03 TBG430B TG-2000 VG859C VP7637A VP7662A VP8122A SMIQ06B Agilent E4420B AgilentE4406A AgilentE4421B VP-8194A 7116C(7)数字示波器TDS3012B Agilent 54622D HP 54642A Agilent DSO3062A Agilent DSO3102A Agilent DSO5054A HP86100A HP 54615B LC564A 1G TDS220 FLUKE TDS224 TDS420 TDS540 TDS744A TDS754A TDS794D TDS1012 TDS1012B TDS2022 TDS2024 TDS3012B TDS3014B TDS3032B TDS3034B TDS3052B TDS3054B TDS5052 TDS7000 TDS7104 V1060 DSO5052A Agilent HP 54810A TDS 6604 HP54820A TDS7404 TDS2014B DCS-7040(8)音频分析仪VM700A VM700t VM5000 VP7731A VP7732A VP7782D HP8903A HP8903B MAK-6581 VA2230 VP-7721A VP7722A VP-7723A HP8591C(9)视频分析仪VM700 视音频综合测试仪(10)数据采集仪Agilent/HP34970A Agilent34901A卡 Agilent34908A卡(11)噪声系数分析仪HP8970B+HP346A N8973A+346A(12)多用表校准仪Fluke5520A FLUKE5700A FLUKE5720A FLUKE5500A(13)万用表Agilent34401A HP3456A 5 KEITHLEY 2002 Fluke452000 Fluke8840A Agilent 3458A Advantest R6441A R6552 HP3466A(14)LCR电桥Agilent E4980A Agilent HP4192B HP4192A Agilent HP4294A HP4263A HP4263B HP4278 HP4291A HP4291B Agilent4338B Agilent4338B PM6306 PM6304 HP4191A HP4286A HP4284A HP4285A PM 6306 +PM6304 HP4287A(15)阻抗分析仪HP4395A HP87512A(16)天馈线测试仪SA-2500A S331A S331B GC724A S331C S331D S332D(17)数字功率计E4419B EPM HP437B HP8481D HP E4418B MA2472D MA24106A USB接口 ML2437A WT230 MF76A WT210 Agilent E4416A Agilent 8481A Agilent5385A HP5386A HP53131A HPAgilent5340A WT110日本横河 YOKOGAWA WT130 Agilent E4417B(18)频率计Agilent53181A Agilent 53131A Agilent 53132A HP5334B HP5342A HP5343A HP5350B HP5362A MF76 MF1601A MF1602A MF1603A MF2412B R5361A MF1604A R3271 TR-4122B(19)电源Agilent 66311B Agilent E3631A Agilent E3632A HP Agilent 6032A Agilent6612C HP6623A HP6624A HP6652A HP6655A HP6811A HP6812A HP6813B HP66319B HP66332A HP66309D HP66312A K2306 HP6674A HP6812B HP6632A HP6624A HP6652A 2303A 2304A 66412A HP6030(20)电子负载Agilent 6060B PEL-300 3300C 3312F 3312D 单组电子负载 四组电子负载(21)温度记录仪DR240 DR230 DR130(22) 其它类型HIOKI 3166 Agilent 85131f 彩色分析仪CA210电压表Ailent8508A 电压表Ailent8508B 电压表Ailent8508CAgilent 86145光谱分析仪 CL-200光谱分析仪 MS9710C光谱分析仪 Q8344A光谱分析仪(23)阻抗测试夹具治具件夹16047A 16047D 16047E 16060A 16034E 16034G 16034H 16044A 16334A 16043-60011/12 16089A 16089B 16089C 16089D 16089E 16048A 16048D 16048E 16048G 16048H 16048-60030 16314-60011 42841A 42842A 42842B 42842C 42843A 16065A 16065C 12941A 16451B 16452A 16085B 42942A 16092A 16093-65003 16093-65004 16194A 160192A 16196A 16196B 16196C 16196D 16197A 16094-65000 16200B 16453A 16454A 16339A 16118A 16117A 16117C 16008B 16338A 16190B 16380A 16380C 42030A 42090A 42091A欢迎来电咨询!郭R 0755-81718029 13713919615

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