起订:1 | 供货总量:973 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:广东 深圳市 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
54835A 1GHz 数字示波器 汉润电子 二手仪器买卖、维修、租赁;仪器代理商:MSA338V-252Agilent 54835A 1GHz 数字示波器|4通道|4GSa/s采样率*Simple analog-like front panel with Windows® GUI*USB Test option with embedded MatLab*Time correlation between 16700 logic analyzer and scope*Communications mask test kit option*Voice Control option for hands free operation*Web-enabled remote control from any web browser*Email on triggerThe HP Agilent 54835A is a used and reconditioned Color Digitizing Oscilloscope that offers four channels at 1 GHz with sample rates up to 4 GSa/s. for applications requiring more than 500 MHz of bandwidth本公司主要供求*:HP/Agilent(惠普/安捷伦)、TEK(泰克)、FLUKE(福禄克)、ADVANTEST(爱德万)、Anrilsu(安立)、R/S(罗德&施瓦茨)、Panasonic(松下)、LEADER(利达)、KlKUSUI(菊水)、MlNOLTA(美能达)等世界*。同时,本公司长期*现金收购各类二手仪器仪表,如有闲置,待处理的仪器,欢迎*来电咨询!!!本公司的产品可以出租,也可以定制屏蔽室、网房!!!有意者请联系:姓名:马洁 电话:13923850516固话:0755-83340966-116QQ:1062748739 邮箱:1062748739@qq.com传真:0755-83356908
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