起订:1 | 供货总量:708 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:广东 东莞市 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
Form Factor Benchtop Bandwidth 500 MHz Number of Channels 4 ch Simultaneous Channels 4 ch Simultaneous Maximum Sampling Rate/ch 500 MSa/s One ch. only max. sampling rate 2 GSa/s Max. Record Length 8000 pt/sec Min. Vertical Sensitivity 2 mV/div Maximum Vertical Sensitivity 5 V/div Number of Bits 8 bits Input Impedance 1 MOhm Input Impedance (alternate) 50 Ohm Input Coupling AC,DC,GND Maximum Input Voltage 1 Vrms Maximum Input#2 (for Impedance #2) 5 Vrms Main time base - lowest 1 ns/div Main time base - highest 1000 s/div Timebase accuracy .001 % Trigger Source External,Internal Trigger Modes Auto,Edge,Normal,Pattern,Single,State,Width Minimum Trigger Holdoff 10 ns Minimum Glitch Trigger 1 ns Display Type CRT Monochrome Display Size 22.86 cm Display modes Normal
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