起订:1 | 供货总量:564 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:广东 深圳市 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
54522C/54522C/54522C/54522C/54522C联系人:龙武明13809869609 The Agilent 54522C 500 MHz realtime oscilloscopes have the extra performance and features that you need to get an accurate view of the high frequency signals you encounter, whether you do analog or digital design, R&D or manufacturing test. With 32 K memory per channel, 2 channels at up to 2 GSa/s, 1 ns peak detect, and sophisticated triggering, you can be confident that you will not miss critical signal activity. These feature-rich digitizing scopes also include standard FFT, floppy disk drive, and sequential single shot acquisition for better analysis and characterization of your signals. Choose between a color flat-panel display (54522C) or monochrome display (54522A). 特性 · 500 MHz Analog Bandwidth on 2 channels · 2 GSa/s Sample Rate on 2 channels · 1 ns Peak Detect · Color display · 32 K of acquisition memory per channel · Sequential single shot acquisition for capturing successive events · Built-in, multi-format 3.5 inch disk drive
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