起订:1 | 供货总量:982 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:广东 深圳市 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
Agilent 4279A LCR测试仪 仪器 销售| 仪器 租赁| 仪器 回收| 二手 仪器|| 深圳 二手仪器销售厂商名称:AgilentHP 商品名称:LCR测试仪 The Agilent4279A 1MHz C-V Meter offers the optimum solution for increasingquality and throughput when measuring the capacitance vs biasvoltage characteristics of semiconductors. The Agilent 4279Ameasures capacitance over a range of 0.00001pF to 1280.00pF with abasic accuracy of 0.1% and a 6 digit display resolution whilesweeping the DC bias voltage. An internal programmable dc biassweep source with a 0.1% voltage accuracy throughout the +/-38Vrange assures very low measurement error due to low bias voltageuncertainty. It makes the Agilent 4279A ideal for the precisecharacterization and testing of varactor diodes MOS diodes etc.Measurement time can be selected from three modes of 10ms 20ms and30ms/meas to maximize productivity. The Agilent 4279A's very fastranging and high speed GP-IB data transfer capabilities reduce testtime. The automatic bias polarity control feature allows quickselection of the correct polarity bias voltage for the device undertest. This new function eases manual testing of samples inincoming/outgoing inspection and provides a simple method ofpolarity control for automatic test systems.特性 *C-V measurement for performing doping profile of wafers. *C-V characterization and sorting of varactor diodes. *Capacitance testing of rf mixer and switching diodes. *Testing capacitors with an applied DC bias for incoming inspection. *Measurement Time: 10ms/20ms/30ms *Measurement Accuracy: 0.1% (20ms) *Internal DC Bias: 0 to +/-38V 0.1% programmable sweep *Measurement Range: 0.00001pF to 1280pF
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