起订:1 | 供货总量:880 |
发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货 | 所在地:全国 |
有效期至:长期有效 | 品牌: |
是德34460A 数字万用表
Histogram and bar chart on 4.3-inch color graphical display ease monitoring and speed up statistical analysis Measure with confidence, with 75 ppm basic DCV accuracy Test low power devices with low DC current measurement range from 100 µA to 3 A Speed up testing with Keysight BenchVue – no programming required 是德34460A 数字万用表技术指标:台式 | 是 |
Digits of Resolution | 无 |
Display Type | 无 |
Max. Reading Speed | 300 readings/s |
基本 1 年 DCV 精度 | 0.0075% |
测量功能 |
Internal Memory | 无 |
Connectivity | USB |
Statistical Graphics |
Rear Input Terminals | 否 |
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