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简介:fann35六速旋转粘度计(进口) 以及我们推荐的35系列粘度计(国产),是*的粘度计,适合与钻井液行业,压裂液行业,瓜尔胶行业,如果更换*精密弹簧,特别适合于黄原胶行业,成为黄原胶行业*的六速旋转粘度计。另外我公司提供常用维修配件及维修服务。
北京科氏力科学仪器有限公司我公司提供:fann35六速旋转粘度计(进口) 以及我们推荐的35系列粘度计(国产)如果需要请和我们联系。
The FANN® Model 35 viscometer are direct reading instruments which are available in six speed and 12 speed designs for use on either 50 Hz or 60 Hz electrical power. The standard power source is 115 volts but all of the models may be fitted with a transformer which makes operation with 220/230 volts possible.These are true Couette coaxial cylinder rotational is cometer since the test fluid is contained in the annular space (shear gap) between an outer cylinder and the bob. Viscosity measurements are made when the outer cylinder, rotating at a known velocity, causes a viscous drag to be exerted by the fluid. This drag creates a torque on the bob, which is transmitted to a precision spring where its deflection is measured and then compared with the test conditions and the instrument's constants. This system permits the true simulation of many of the significant flow process conditions encountered in industrial processing.
Viscosity as measured by a Couette type viscometer such as the Model 35 is a measure of the shear stress caused by a given shear rate. This relationship is a linear function for Newtonian Fluids, i.e. a plot of shear stress vs. shear rate is a straight line. In many instances, while the fluid of interest may not be Newtonian, its rheology is near enough to Newtonian that this viscometer can be used and the viscosity calculated as though it were Newtonian. It should be noted that the recommended calibration of the Model 35 is a linear or Newtonian calibration. This means that if the sample fluid characteristics are extremely Non-Newtonian the linear method of calculating the viscosity cannot be used. In this case the Model 35 dial reading and speed along with the dimensional data on the rotor and bob used will have to be calculated
using an appropriate formula for a non-linear shear stress / shear rate relationship that closely fits the characteristics of the fluid.These instruments have been designed so that viscosity in centipoise (or milli-Pascal seconds) of a Newtonian fluid is indicated on the dial with the standard rotor, bob, and torsion spring operating at 300 rpm. Viscosities at other test speeds may be measured by using multipliers of the dial reading. A simple method of close approximation of viscosity in a plastic fluid, such as a drilling fluid is described in Section
6B. The range of shear rates may be changed by selecting rotor speed and using various rotor-bob combinations. A variety of torsion springs are available and designed to be easily interchanged in order to broaden shear stress ranges and allow the measuring of viscosity in a wide variety of fluids.
泥浆测试仪器:六速旋转粘度计ZNN-D6 fann 35A;六速旋转粘度计*加热套;冷凝套;粘度计用恒温器;高温高压失水仪及其工具配件(安全提手、省力起子、安全泥浆杯安装座、阀杆、各类进口国产高温密封圈滤网、滤纸、滤盘);常温常压失水仪;中压失水仪;新型打气筒失水仪;高温高压膨胀量测定仪;常温常压膨胀量测定仪;高温高压粘度计;高温高压流变仪;吴茵混调器;变频高速搅拌机;大功率搅拌机;大容量变频高速搅拌机5L;fann破乳电压测定仪;CST毛细管吸收测定仪;PSTProduction Screen Tester滤网流动性测试仪;fann2100极压润滑仪;高温高压粘附系数测定仪;高温滚子炉;老化罐;高温防腐聚四氟内衬;新型堵漏仪;高温高压堵漏仪;高温高压动态堵漏仪;PPT渗透性堵漏测试仪(PPA)无渗透滤失仪;高温高压无渗透滤失仪;高温高压可视砂床滤失仪;粘度计校正装置;现场实验箱;维修及耗材。
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