状态分析速率:100MHz定时分析速率:500MHz取样/秒:100MHz带宽状态/定时存储深度:存储深度4K/全信道 半信道中8K建立/保持时间:3.5/0ns~0/3.5ns可调,50DPS增量。定时分析模式和速率,传统:250MHz所有信道,500MHZ半信道瞬态:125MHz毛刺:125MHz半信道 小探测毛刺:3.5ns探头:100kΩ、8pF有标准的HP-IB和RS-232接口.内置DOS格式3.5英寸软驱.单色显示屏。State/timing memory depth: 4k on all channels 8k on half channelsTiming analysis modes and speeds:(conventional): 250MHz on all channels 500MHz on half channels(transitional): 125MHz on all channels 250MHz on half channels(glitch): 125MHz on half channelsMaximum State Analysis Rate 100 MHzMinimum detectable glitch width: 3.5 nsSetup/hold time: 3.5/0 ns to 0/3.5 nsVariable setup/ hold time in the state analyzerExternal triggering to/from other instruments through rear panel BNCsMarker measurementsPre-configured trigger macros. 12 levels of trigger sequencing for state and 10 levels of sequential triggering for TimingMaximum Trigger Sequencing Rate 125 MHzFull programmabilityState/State and mixed State/Timing displaysBoth state and timing analyzers can use 10 pattern resource terms 2 range terms and 2 timer/counters to qualify and trigger on data. In addition the timing analyzer has 2 edge termsInput Impedance 100 kOhmInput Capacitance 8 pF#