我公司长期供应美国GATES皮带张力计7401-0076性能好价格合理配有中英文使用说明书,欢迎来电! *GATES型号7401-0076类型刻度测量范围0-170(N)产品名称: 笔式皮带张力计(美国GATES笔式皮带张力计)产品型号: GATES产品展商: 宁波利盛时代仪器有限公司简单介绍笔式皮带张力计美国GATES笔式皮带张力计 您知道正确的皮带张力计可延长皮带寿命20%-50%吗? 快速简便精确的皮带张一3检测工具-笔式皮带张力计 适用于各种V型皮带正时皮带的张力检测! 现货供应! 笔式皮带张力计(美国GATES笔式皮带张力计)的详细介绍美国GATES笔式皮带张力计 您知道正确的皮带张力计可延长皮带寿命20%-50%吗? 快速简便精确的皮带张一3检测工具-笔式皮带张力计 适用于各种V型皮带正时皮带的张力检测! HOW TO USE? 1. CAUTION:Before doing maintenance or tensioning on belt drivesturn equipment off and lock outthepowersource.Use guards on machinery when running. Place amatchedsetof belts over the sheave grooves.Take up the slack untilthebeltsappear fairly taut. 2. With the drive stoppedmeasure the belt span lenth of yourdrive(seesketch).Set the rubber O-ring on the body of the tensiongaugeat thedimension equal to 1/64 inch ×321/2 inch. 3. Set the O-ring on the plunger at 0 against the body ofthetensiongauge. 4. With the tension gauge perpendicular to the spanapply a forcetoabelt in the center of the span.Deflect the belt until bottomofthelarge O-ring is even with the top of the next beltor thebottomofa straight edge laid across the top of other belt(s)onthedrive.Release pressure and read pounds of force used atO-ringonplunger. Note:When new belts are installed on a drivethe tension willdroprapidlyduring the first few hours.Thusfor new beltstightentothe initialinstallation defection force shown in thetablesbelow.Check tensionfrequently during the first 24 hoursofoperation.Subsequentretensioning should fall between theminimumand maximum forces shownin the tables. 5. Compare the force required in step 4 with the ranges inthetablesbelow. Tightenorloosenbelts to bring them into the recommened range. Note:The proper tension for V-belt drive is the lowest tensionatwhichthe belts won’t slip under peak load condition地 址:宁波北仑区金贸大厦1111室 15968445451邮 编:315800联系人:袁建华15968445451电 话:0574-82699700传 真:0574-56877557手 机:15968445451在线QQ:展台地址:www.lstime.com www.leadsun-china.comwww.leadsun-time.com