2018-11-16 19:57  浏览:312
DF-101系列集热式恒温加热磁力搅拌器是我厂研制开发的一种新型磁力搅拌器该产品在全国各大高校实验室推广试用效果良好深受用户好评。采用集热式加热法本机主要部件选材优良结构合理采用集热式加热法本机主要部件选材优良结构合理DF-101S磁力搅拌器主要特点采用集热式加热法  被加热容器完全处于强烈的热辐射之中加热速度是其它平面加热磁力搅拌器的三倍。温度均匀、*更适应球型烧瓶进行加热反应。DF-101S磁力搅拌器本机主要部件选材优良  电机选用直流大功率电机搅拌力矩大、噪音小。特制不锈钢加热管在80DF-101S型集热式恒温磁力搅拌器00C高温中老化24小时。绝缘电阻>1000MΩ干烧时安全可靠。磁钢选用目前磁力强的“钕铁硼”永磁做转子,确保足够的吸力和扭矩。DF-101S磁力搅拌器结构合理  集热锅用*不锈钢冲压而成,与特制加热管和耐高温密封组合,可加水(水浴)、加油(油浴),以及干烧,也是本机主要优点所在,加热部分与电气箱之间采用散热板隔离,在高温加热搅拌下,不影响整机电气性能。其他特点  可根据用户的要求,定做大、小容量的集热式搅拌器。  DF-101B型(调压控温)加热部分采用调节电压来控制加热功率的大小,精确恒温需外接“电节点温度计”控制,本机带有“电节点温度计”插孔。  The heating fraction of DF-101B model(voltage adjusting and temperature controlling)adopts adjustable voltage to control the heating power for precision constant temperature an "electric contact thermometer" needs to be connected the pump has socket for "electric contact thermometer".  ②DF-101S(数显自动恒温)  DF-101S(智能自动恒温)  DF-101S在DF-101B基础上,增加了*时间比例式数显温控仪和智能型数字显示温度两种型号,随意设定,自动恒温,使用更加方便、直观,控温精度高、准确可靠。  DF-101S is made on the basis of DF-101B by adding the high precision time proportional digital temperature control instrument which can be adjusted freely and with automatic constant temperature as well as used more easily an directly temperature control is more precise accurate an reliable.  ③CL-200型平板加热  ④DF-101C(调压控温)  ⑤DF-101D(数显自动恒温)  ⑥DF-101T大功率大容量磁力搅拌器  CL-200型机主要采用大功率加热铝盘,加热面积大,适用于大容量平底烧杯加热搅拌,还可以放上各种金属容器如(锅缸)等做水浴、油浴,搅拌实验,方便灵活。  CL-200 model mainly adopts high power heat aluminum tray which can conduct heating on a large scale fit for the heating and mixing of large capacity flat bottom beaker also various metal containers such as (pan) can be put on it to conduct water-bath and oil-bath and mixing experiment easy and flexible.  DF-101C(小型集热式)为小型集热式搅拌器,功能和(101B、101S)一样,有调压控温型和数显自动恒温型两种,占用工作空间小,适用于500ml以下搅拌用。可根据用户要求定做60-100mm深浅锅。  DF-101C(small heat collection type)is a small heat collection mixer which has the same function as (101B、101S)it has two models one is voltage-adjustable temperature control type and the other is figure automatic constant temperature type occupying little working space suitable for mixing of less than 500ml.  DF-101T大功率磁力搅拌器是我厂开发的一种大容量大功率搅拌器,适用特殊用途搅拌,还可以做*恒温源。容器尺寸可根据用户要求定做。  DF-101T high power magnetic mixer is the latest development of our factory fit for mixing of special purpose and also can be used as high precision constant temperature source. The size of the container can be custom- made according to the requirement of the customer  注意事项:做油浴与干烧试验,需有人值班。详细数据  序号  规格型号  特征  搅拌容量  搅拌速度无级调速  加热温度  控温方式  工作电压  整机尺寸  1  DF-101B  调压  2000ml  无级调速0-2600 室温-400℃  调压控温  220V/50Hz  239×245×220  2  DF-101S  智能  2000ml  无级调速0-2600 室温-400℃  室温-400℃  智能自动  220V/50Hz  239×245×220  数显  数显自动  220V/50Hz  239×245×138  3  CL-200  平板  3000ml  无级调速0-2600 室温-400℃  调压控温  220V/50Hz  160×170×216  4  DF-101C  小型  1000ml  无级调速0-2600 室温-400℃  调压控温  220V/50Hz  160×170×216  5  DF-101D  小型  1000ml  无级调速0-2600 室温-400℃  数显自动  220V/50Hz  395×295×335  6  DF-101T  特型  5000ml  无级调速0-3000 加热温度  数显自动  220V/50Hz  239×245×220网址:www.zz159.com 电话/传真:0371-86185912 13523537858
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